Secure technologies and data storage are vital to protect your company’s most valuable data from a natural disaster, hackers or accidental deletion. Storage solutions are also crucial to ensure that you are able to recover data after a technology glitch or even a disaster that destroys your IT infrastructure. In the past cybersecurity and data storage were often separate concerns but today’s IT teams are increasingly adopting DevSecOps models that combine application building with security and spread the responsibility for security across the entire organization.

In the end, data storage is becoming one of the top areas for IT security to be concerned about and is an essential component of overall cybersecurity strategies. Secure data storage reduces the risk of unauthorized data access, data tampering, and ensures accountability.

Essentially, data storage security encompasses three key principles: integrity of data and confidentiality, as well as robust disaster recovery systems. The first principle is to ensure that data stored is not damaged in any way. Data encryption is a common way to achieve this. It converts data that is readable into a format that can’t be read and only decrypted by the right key.

Many experts suggest that data loss prevention solutions (DLP) be deployed to stop data loss. These solutions can identify and stop attacks as they are happening. A strong network security is an important aspect of security for data storage, so a good strategy should include firewalls, anti-malware protection as well as security gateways and intrusion detection systems.

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