Most often, the management of a company is delegated to the board of directors. This can be written in your articles of association. Even if you’ve given some of the day-to-day decision-making duties to other parts of your company it is vital that the entire board stays connected and informed through regular board meetings.

You must ensure that your participants have enough time to prepare for a meeting. The ideal way to do this is by sending out the agenda and any reports in advance. You should give at least a week’s notice in order to give enough time to all members to attend.

The first item should be the decision-making items. This covers all matters that require a decision, but also any discussion points or remaining business from a previous meeting.

The performance of the organization is also an important topic. This includes reviewing any significant accomplishments and milestones and determining possible strategies for the future and areas for improvement.

It is essential to remember that discussions should be productive and focused. Distractions due to new topic ideas can take up a lot of time and distract from the main objectives of the meeting. Board members should respect each other’s opinions and not interrupt anyone unless they have a concern or question to ask. It is also good etiquette to keep cell phones turned off and only used in an emergency. This will help everyone to stay alert and attentive.

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