Web browsing can provide a wealth of information and access to the world’s knowledge, but it also opens the door to malicious attackers. Attackers could target the browser to monitor data transmitted through it (such for example, when people input personal information into forms) or exploit vulnerabilities in the browser in order to gain access to devices, files as well as data stored in memory.

A secure browser is designed to guard against these types attacks, while providing users with a great experience. A secure browser will display a green lock in the URL bar and show warnings if you browse on sites which don’t have HTTPS.

In addition to the security features browsers provide, it’s important to look for a browser that permits users to install verified plug-ins, extensions and add-ons. These third-party apps can be an infection source and slow down the performance of the browser. They can also introduce other vulnerabilities into the system.

Finally, a secure browser should offer fast performance that does not compromise the functionality. The ideal browsers are user-friendly and don’t lag. This is especially important for organizations that need their employees to work from home or other remote locations, and students who need the ability to study anyplace with internet access.

how good is avg internet security

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