It is crucial that a board meeting runs smoothly and that all issues are addressed. The following board meeting procedure is a guide to help ensure that the meeting runs according to plan and all the essential points are covered.

The chair opens the meeting by welcoming any guests or new members and discussing any formal or personal concerns. A formal introduction of the board is then provided and the officers are introduced.

Often, the board will receive large amounts of information in between meetings, in the form of committee reports and correspondence. The chair should make time to this during the meeting, but it is important that this doesn’t interfere with the discussion on the more pressing issues.

Once the board has discussed the past’s performance and its related success and failures, it will move on to discuss the future strategies. This will include brainstorming ideas to help the company grow, develop and expand its market share in various departments. The board will then think on the best way to implement these strategies and develop actions items for the management team to follow this.

Usually the board will go over any new business brought up by the board or the executive management. The board will also review any old business that hasn’t been resolved. The chair will then decide to move the meeting to an end.

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